A downloadable version of my CV is available here.


PwC New Zealand
Customer Transformation Consulting

Senior Associate | July 2023 - Current

Associate | Jan 2022 - July 2023

Crafted narratives, strategies, experiences, and services for diverse client projects. Often facilitating, translating, and integrating with stakeholders to ensure alignment, clarity, and direction.

Gained experience leading small teams, strengthened interpersonal skills and confidently embraced complexity.

Industry experience in government, transport, financial services, tertiary education, insurance, construction. 

Other Experience

Science Communication Designer | Nov 2019 - Feb 2020

Translated the complex concepts of ‘transition’ and ‘transformation’ across multiple scientific disciplines through a human-centred approach. I collaborated with scientists from various disciplines to co-define and co-develop a visual narrative to communicate a shared understanding of the two concepts.

Freelance Brand Consultant
Contractor | Jan 2019 - Jan 2020

Provided art direction for rebrands and production of design collateral for clients across agriculture, tourism, entertainment, hospitality and arts industries.

Generation Zero
Graphic Designer | Jan 2016 - Dec 2018

Design and production of print collateral, content creation for social media, and campaign support for the Net Zero Act, which passed in parliament in November 2019.


Master of Design (Distinction)
Massey University in partnership with Toi Āria and AgResearch | June 2020 - Sept 2021

Industry-funded research exploring the role of design within science research organisations to influence transformational change in New Zealand’s Agri-Food system. A key objective of this research was to investigate the application of participatory and speculative design methods for strategic visioning and sustainability transitions.

Bachelor of Design (Honours)
Massey University | Feb 2016 - Nov 2019

I majored in Visual Communication and completed courses ranging from Creative Coding to Creative Industries alongside core curriculum papers on design. I was the Honours Class Representative, a Massey University Guide, and a Hall Representative during my studies. I also founded and was the president of the Generation Zero Club.

International Scholarship
Nanyang Technological University | Jan - Dec 2018

Recipient of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship to Asia for a one-year student exchange to Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. As part of my studies, I was selected to be a student panellist on art history pedagogy at the Dhaka Art Summit in Bangladesh.


Jared Van Huenen

Head of Strategy and Planning
United Nations Development Programme

Phone: +191 749 53386

Sonya Marshall

Executive Director
Mana Mokopuna - Children and Young People's Commission

Phone: +64 21 860 442

Kris Nygren

Partner, Customer Transformation
PwC New Zealand

Phone: +64 21 555 172

Freddie Engberts

Director, Customer Transformation
PwC New Zealand

Phone: +64 27 260 6869